Step 1: Be willing to annoy pine. Step 2: Create a python file with this code Step 3: Launch it and follow the instructions import keyboard import time x = 1 while True: print("Text you want to send") message = input(">") print("How many times? 0 for endless") ammount = input(">") print("Delay between messages: (seconds)") delay = input() if (int(ammount) == 0): print("You have 5 seconds to prepare.") time.sleep(5) while True: keyboard.write(message) keyboard.press_and_release("enter") time.sleep(int(delay)) else: print("You have 5 seconds to prepare.") time.sleep(5) while (x <= int(ammount)): keyboard.write(message) keyboard.press_and_release("enter") time.sleep(int(delay)) ammount = int(ammount) - 1 print(ammount)